I told my husband he should make his hair look like that. (What do you think of that MOM!?) haha! He was opposed...
The funny thing about the lawn?! Back home, lawn seats mean you will inevitably be surrounded by fat, loud, obnoxious drunk people with the 12 pack of Budweiser. Not in the northern suburbs of Chicago! In fact, the complete opposite. We were surrounded by Champagne and wine glasses, cheese and crackers and beautiful set ups and displays of bree cheese and strawberries. It was amazing. Those people are LEGIT!
So, in other news, we FINALLY found some dining room chairs to go with our 1950's dining room table that belonged to Matt's grandparents.
I also made biscotti last night!!! It was a valiant effort! I used THIS RECIPE . It definitely wasn't as hard as I was expecting though so that's a bonus!!! :-) It did take awhile... but it worked out well!!!
Matt started classes yesterday so I enjoyed my day putting together furniture and baking. :-)
I also drove around to some hospitals yesterday.... no luck on the job front..... it will happen with time!!
My little "BETTY CROCKER". Takes after her Grandma"....Baking was NEVER my specialty.....Cooking yes...baking not my thing....They look great Katy. Would love to eat some right now.
Chairs are perfect with the table....Looks great. So cute.
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