WOW! It has been a long time since I have updated this! So... here goes nothing!
So I have officially completed my first semester of nursing school at West Virginia Wesleyan!
Not only have I completed the school aspect... but I have lived away from home for the first time, lived with a roommate for the first time, and been away from Matt for long periods of time... It has been a crazy 4 months... I have learned a lot, I have grown a lot, and I have learned a lot about myself that needs to change. I have grown into more of an adult, and acted childish and immature.
The first few weeks of school were a little emotional. Here I was in this completely new place. I only knew a few people... I had no idea where anything in town was, where any of my classes were.... nothing. It was like being thrown into this whole new life and being completely lost. I was so used to relying on others that I did not know what to do. So, the first week went by and I made new friends... got acquainted with how the classes were going to be and frankly... went on an emotional roller coaster. At first I loved being away from home... and then I hated it... and then I realized it was okay again. I hated not being able to see Matt as often... and some days not getting to talk to him but only once. I loved making new friends... but I hated not having any alone time for myself. Living with someone is very difficult. I get along great with my roommate and I like her a lot! we have gotten closer throughout the semester and it has been fine! But ... I am a person who has to have my own space. I have to have my own time to myself. When I am upset I like to be alone... and that does not always get to happen.
I tried a couple different churches this semester. I began in a church that I was not entirely comfortable with..... at all. I went for 2 weeks and decided it most definitely was not for me. The next week I tried the local Christian Missionary and Alliance church. It has been great. I have been going there ever since... (on the sundays that I am there and not at home or at Matt's church...) so in reality I have only been like 5 or 6 Sundays... but all of those have been great! I like the people a lot and the pastor is very good and very nice.
I am still making friends and trying to grow in my spiritual life and discover who I really am. Towards the mid to end of the semester I was really struggling with myself and knowing who I am... and not entirely enjoying who I was becoming. The stress of the nursing classes and classes in general was really getting to me. I was not making time to spend with God and I still struggle with making and finding that time.... and I was not having time for myself to exercise. For 2 weeks I was doing really well.. and then it all went downhill. I got so busy with school that I could not focus on myself and my health. I find that I do this to myself quite often. I hate that about myself... I hate that I get into a routine for about 2-3 weeks and then give up. It's like an endless cycle of caring and then not caring! I just want to always care and always make time for God, and exercise and alone time!
So here it is Christmas break... I am done with my first semester... and I realize I am only half way done with college. I have 2 and a 1/2 years to go.... 5 more semesters. That really just blows my mind... part of me wants to be done soooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO badly... the greater part of me that is... and the other part of me wants to stay in college for awhile longer because I know that in reality I am so not ready for the "real world" lifestyle. I guess I should just live for this moment right now.... this moment that I am sitting here on my computer writing to a world who probably does not care.... or will never read this at all... or those of you who do care and are reading this because you are my friends and family and are saying to yourself " I already know all this...." thanks. LOL!
I love being home. I love this time of year... I find myself getting very nostalgic this time of year. I think back to my childhood when all I wanted was to be with my family and open presents... or my teen years and when all I cared about was if I was getting the new Hanson CD that I asked for.... or the new *Nsync poster to plaster on my wall. I think back to all the fun toys... but more importantly I think of how far I have come. I think about my family and all the changes we have seen. I love my family so much. Although it always seems like there is something going on.... it keeps us all on our toes and makes us realize that God is the most important thing. That God needs to be our focus... and that He is the ONLY thing that will keep us together, keep us sane, and HE is the reason for the season!
I hope I did not bore you all too much... just a little update about my life!!!!
Here are some pictures from the past 4 months of my life.....
This is my bed.... Mr. Chicken is my friend :-) Matt got it for me 2 Christmas' ago! LOL
This is pretty much the rest of our room.... with the exclusion of Sara's desk to the right of that yellow shelf.... LOL
Matt and I celebrating our 2 Year Anniversary at The Melting Pot in Pittsburgh. It was AMAZING! Everyone should go there. The best food I have ever had!
These are just a few blips of the past 4 months.... soooo much more has happened... But I just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.. as if you already didn't know!!
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