Monday, February 25, 2008

Rejoice in the Lord always.... even when you fail a test....

WAHOO!!!! This weekend was GREAT!!! NO SNOW!!!! :-)

Friday night Matt came down and we ordered chinese food... relaxed and watched The Breakfast Club and Before Sunrise.
It was good to just be able to relax and enjoy life... take a breather.

Then Saturday was the Girls Of Grace conference at Buckhannon Alliance. It went REALLY well.. All the speakers were GREAT and Point of Grace's message was amazing. I really pray that the teenage girls across America that saw it and at Buckhannon Alliance were truly blessed by it. I hope God spoke to their hearts and that they will be changed by it.

After the conference the other girls that emceed and I went to Robin's house (she was the director of the conference) and we got in the hot tub and her husband and son made us dinner. The hot tub felt AMAZING... just to relax. Well... I must have stayed in a LITTLE too long.... (this gets embarrassing...) So.... I started feeling really light headed when I got out. I sat down in the chair and put my head between my legs. ( I used to pass out a lot when I was younger so I have learned to recognize the feeling and know to sit down and put my head down). Well.. the next thing I remember is laying on the floor looking up at everyone standing around me... YES... I passed out at their house. I hit my head on something and now I have a nice little mark on my forehead. It almost looks like a rug burn.... embarrassing?!?! Most definitely!

So... Sunday I went to Fairmont to Matt's church and to visit with him and his family all day. It was great. We went to church, went back to his house and relaxed. Played Marble Mania on the WII and some Guitar Hero III. Relaxed and watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. (We'd both never seen these classic movies... so that's what we did this weekend... the Breakfast Club, Before Sunrise and Hitchhiker's Guide.) All of them were pretty good!

And today... just another manic monday! So began another week of nursing school... back to the grind once again after a relaxing weekend. I just have to make it through this week then I have Spring Break for a week the 1st through the 9th. I will still have a lot to do over break... but at least I can do it during the day and have fun at night. I really need to stop getting so stressed out. It is taking a toll on me... but it just so hard. Everyone in my class and program are right there with me. I know I am not the only one dealing with the stress.. and I just think of all the people in Med School who have it harder than I do... and I honestly do not know HOW they do it. I know we as nurses have to know almost just as much as they do... different areas but just as hard of stuff I feel like... ( I won't get into this battle right now). I just need to take life day by day and rejoice in the Lord everyday. This is such a hard thing to do when I am constantly going non-stop and finding out more and more things throughout the day that I have to accomplish. I know 3 years seems like a short time in the whole aspect of life... but it sure feels like a lifetime right now. I just want to enjoy it and learn and have fun... but the stress is getting to me and most of the girls in my class.
I just keep praying this prayer....
God, I just pray for strength in this time of my life. Give me your strength and let me rejoice in you everyday. Let me wake up every morning and be THANKFUL for the day and look forward to learning what you have set before me and called on my life. Thank You for always being there, even in my times of struggle. You are an awesome God.

Okay... Back to work!!


Ashley said...

Glad you took a little time for yourself! Hang in there :)

T@R@ said...

girl....i am right there with you...just have to keep trusting that God will provide the means for His will to be accomplished...praying for ya!

Emery Jo said...

Ahh, I can't even imagine all the pressure- but keep up the good work!! God will use all of this pain for good. He will! Consider all of this hardwork as if you were doing it for HIM only- studying for Him, testing for Him, Really buckling down for HIM. You can bring Him so much glory through this difficult season-- and then later as a nurse too! Hang in there.

T@R@ said...

we definitely need to hang out...give me a call when you are in :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.