Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Update (a little late)

So, lately I've been really pondering this whole blog thing. I really do not know if I want to keep it or not. I feel like it could be good... but I just feel as though it's a waste of my time. I look at all these blogs and they are so fancy and so many people read them. I don't really know what to do to get more people to read, or if anyone does for that matter.....

So... this may be my last post. I don't know. We will see what the New Year brings.

Any advice from you popular bloggers out there?!

Well... Christmas. It was great this year!

It was a lot different too though. Every year it feels less and less like Christmas. I guess that comes with age. I honestly shed a tear Christmas morning because I didn't want to grow up. As much as I think about it every single day, how ready I am to grow up and start my life... Christmas morning I was just not all about growing up.

Anyways... enough of the sap story and onto the presents. Let me remind you, that the only thing I asked for was an Ipod Nano, cleaning supplies, and long sleeve shirts.

My wonderful boyfriend and I exchanged presents on Christmas Eve. We couldn't wait anymore. He got me this bad boy:A baby blue Nintendo DS lite. I've wanted one for like 2 years now. So excited! I've been playing that bad boy a lot!!!

My parents got me a new ipod nano. ORANGE in fact! :-) love it! it's so tiny! I got $55.00 worth of ITunes gift cards from people. I've been putting those to good use the past few days.I also got a docking station and a work out arm band for it. My IPod is now fully accessorized! haha
They also got me some clothes, TONS of cleaning supplies (I hate spending money on cleaning supplies. I think I'm good for at least the next sememster!) A new thermos that says "STUDENT NURSE" on it, and a new bag that says NURSING STUDENT on it.
My grandma got me these awesome new boots!So cute right?! I've worn them pretty much everyday.

I'm sure that's not everything I got... but that's all I can remember right now.

I've really been enjoying my break. I got back to school in less than a week and it's safe to say that I am absolutely dreading it. I am so not ready to start studying again. Last semester really burned me out and I know this semester is going to be tough. I'm just trying to enjoy these last few days of freedom.

I am really excited for 2009. I know it is going to be an exciting year. It is hopefully going to hold a lot of exciting and life changing events.

New Year post coming tomorrow!


T@R@ said...

well i love being able to keep up with you on the blog...if you don't have it guess that just means we'll have to catch up more some other way....glad you had a great Christmas!

Dorm Bedding said...

Sweet gifts...love that time of year :)