Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Fashion Week:: DAY TWO!!

Well, I managed to wake up and get motivated to look cute today. Even though it's my day off, it's not going to be so lazy! I need to go run some errands and get some work done in the library.

So, if you have no idea why I am posting this, see the previous post or go HERE !

This cream color dress is probably one of my oldest and most worn pieces of clothing that I own. I absolutely love it. I wear it almost year round! (sorry the picture isn't the greatest)

My shoes are gold, sequince (spelling) ballet flats that I wear practically every day. They're from F21.

The jacket is from Urban Outfitters (but I got it's at Gabe's!! hehe!)

It's a little warmer today going up to 65 degrees. So this is a perfect little fall outfit for a warmer fall day spent running errands and doing some homework.


Emery Jo said...

LOVE the jacket. Great cut!

Laura said...


jilian dee said...

i love love this outfit! might just have to recreate it someday! and i might have to steal that jacket somehow haha

Unknown said...

I like it! Very original :)

Chelsea said...

love the jacket and dress combo!

Dorm Bedding said...

Really cute jacket :)