Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So, I have been having INTENSE nightmares lately. I have had nightmares of being killed. I have had dreams of scary faces flashing before my eyes. I have literally had to WAKE myself up from these dreams. I had a dream last night that I got in my car and someone had broken in and wrote messages all over the windows and on ripped pieces of paper. I do not remember what they said, but I remember when I figured it all out, I looked out the front window and there was a HUGE explosion in front of me. WHAT. THE. HECK.?!?!

I have no idea how to take care of this. I prayed before going to bed. I pray when I wake up with those dreams. I don't know. It's weird. I'm weirding myself out over it. I feel like a kid. Sometimes I wake my husband up or I'll just put his arm around me for some extra comfort.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean NOT on your OWN understanding....

Read Psalm 23 -- Pray and STudy.

It's a phase...could be what you are eating...or thinking --- or watching....


T@R@ said...

i always have bad/weird/vivid dreams when i watch shows before bed like criminal minds, etc. i've also heard you can have vivid dreams when you're preganant....just throwing that out there ;)

T@R@ said...

and apparently i can't spell pregnant...oopsie

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