Monday, October 11, 2010

A Weekend of R&R

This weekend Matt and I did not really have anything to do. It was fantastic! Friday night we had one of Matt's friends over for dinner. I made pot roast with potatoes and carrots and corn and cottage cheese! mmm mm! His friend lives here on campus so I thought it'd be nice to have him over for a home cooked meal instead of frozen dinners. So we all ate dinner together and the boys played video games for a couple hours while I caught up on some television shows I love.

Saturday we woke up and drank yummy coffee and went to the Farmers Market in Deerfield. We bought a cute little green and white pumpkin to go with our big pumpkin on our doorstep. We got some produce and walked around a little and went home. Then, my lovely neighbor E
mily came over and we went out for some girl time. We went to some garage sales (no finds..) and then walked around downtown Highland Park, IL. It is a lovely little town. We went to Anthropologie and dreamed of being able to purchase the pretty things. Then, we went to PaperSource and got inspired to make some pretty handmade cards sometime soon. I got a couple early Christmas gifts for Matt's sisters there. (Already thinking of the holidays).

Saturday night Matt and I had a movie night. We ate snacks and
watched The Lovely Bones. I had not seen it yet and was pretty excited about it and yet skeptical as to how good it would actually be. It was pretty good. It made me think about how my parents always told me NEVER to talk to strangers. It's kind of sad that the world we live in now we have to live in fear of who we are kind to. I wish we lived in a world where we could be friendly to strangers. hehe!

Sunday we woke up and went to church. I am loving the church we are going to. It is great to be excited to go to church! After church we came home and ate some lunch. Sunday after church we usually sit down together and figure out our meal plan for the week. This is something we have done since we moved here and it's something I have grown to love. It is fun for Matt and I to sit down and figure out what we're going to eat that week and make a grocery list. We've been trying new recipes. This week our new meal is going
to be chicken fajitas! mm mm!!! After our meal plan was done, we enjoyed being outside a bit. I went for a run and Matt read for school outside by the pond on campus. Then, I got cleaned up and we went to the grocery store. Something else I have been loving is being able to go to the grocery store.

Today is an Indian summer kind of day. It's reall
y warm out. I am actually ready for it to be about 10 degrees cooler on a regular basis. I'm tired of the heat, however, I'm sure after about 6 months of freezing Chicago weather I will be wanting this weather so I better enjoy it now.

I love Fall weather though. It is beautiful here in Chicago as the leaves are changing, but I must say that West Virginia (home) in the fall is breathtaking!source

You can't tell me that's not beautiful. There is an overlook at a park about 35 minutes from my house in West Virginia called Coopers Rock. You have to see it during peak fall season. It's absolutely amazing. I don't know how you can see God's creation and not believe He exists. He is such a creative God. I am so thankful for the beauty he created for us to look at.

Lately I have been knitting a lot more. My knitting seems to pick up once fall rolls around. I didn't knit a lot this summer, but that could just be because I was a little busy... haha. I knitted my first hat. I finished it and it is HUGE! I did not check my gauge apparently when I started and it turns out Matt and I can fit both of our heads into this one hat. hahaha! Not to mention he has a big ole head! haha! ;-)

So, I try again... right now I'm knitting Matt a new tie though. He loves knit ties. after i'm done with that I'm going to attempt to start making some products to open my first etsy shop! ;-) I'm excited about it. I'm not sure it'll ever actually happen... but I'm going to work on it. hehe!

That's it for now... off to do some knitting!

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